Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus is impacting people and businesses around the world and we believe it's important to keep you informed about the steps we are taking to ensure that the Concept Smoke Screen team can keep providing you with an uninterrupted, professional service.  

Things are changing quickly and we're making decisions and acting as we gain new information. We're committed to following official guidelines and advice. Most importantly, we're also protecting our team, customers, suppliers and our network of distributors.

We have created systems and plan so our team can work from home during this time without compromising on safety & security and with as little disruption to service as possible during this period. Our service team are working hard to fulfil outstanding deliveries and continue with planned maintenance.

Our mission is and always has been to keep people safe and offer peace of mind to our customersAlthough these are uncertain times this has not changed. We will keep you updated with any new developments and if you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.

Concept Smoke Screen

Security Industry Experts sharing their knowledge and a wealth of news from within the sector. Over four decades have passed since Smoke Screen manufactured the world's very first security smoke system.
