Connected campaign hits the pages of Security Matters

Connected campaign hits the pages of Security Matters

Security Matters magazine

An expanded and detail-packed version of our Connected initiative kick-off article, in which we advocate for the security industry to be leaders and active participants in positive social and environmental reform, has been published in the new issue of Security Matters magazine.

Viva evolution magazine

The three-page feature appears in the September 2021 edition of Security Matters, under the headline 'Viva evolution'. You can read it in the physical mag or view the online edition here.

hands on table diversity

Part of the Connected campaign is a call for increased diversity in the security industry, and Security Matters has also recently published a fascinating article by former police officer and Director of Nuology, Claire Humble. She writes of the security business: "I'm excited to say that the industry is ripe for change. It's ready for a new breed of diverse leaders." 

But she points out that this won't just happen of its own accord - it will need encouragement by those currently in positions of power. These new leaders, she writes, "will need to be encouraged, nurtured and helped by all leaders, and notably so white male leaders who are in the majority right now. They are the leaders who are going to have to not only step forward, but also step up and take positive action to bring about meaningful change."

Read the full piece here.

Anthony Hildebrand

The editor of Connected, Anthony is a real good writer and journalist with a background in security and technology publishing. There’s every chance you met him at that thing that one time.


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